Source code for cocotb_coverage.crv

# Copyright (c) 2016-2023, MC ASIC Design Consulting
# All rights reserved.
# Author: Marek Cieplucha,
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met
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Constrained-random verification features.


* :class:`Randomized` - base class for randoimzed types.


import random
import inspect
import itertools
import warnings

# python-constraint is an external pip-installable package used here
import constraint

[docs] class Randomized(object): """Base class for randomized types. The final class should contain defined random variables using the :meth:`add_rand()` method. Constraints may be added and deleted using the :meth:`add_constraint()` and :meth:`del_constraint()` methods respectively. A constraint is an arbitrary function and may either return a ``True``/``False`` value (*hard constraints*) or a numeric value, which may be interpreted as *soft constraints* or *distribution functions*. Constraint function arguments (names) must match final class attributes (random or not). Constraints may have multiple random arguments which corresponds to multi-dimensional distributions. The function :meth:`randomize()` performs a randomization for all random variables meeting all defined constraints. The function :meth:`randomize_with()` performs a randomization using additional constraint functions given in an argument. The functions :meth:`pre_randomize()` and :meth:`post_randomize()` are called before and after :meth:`randomize` and should be overloaded in a final class if necessary. If hard constraint cannot be resolved, an exception is thrown. If a soft constraint cannot be resolved (all acceptable solutions have zero probability), then the variable value is not being randomized. Example: >>> class FinalRandomized(Randomized): >>> def __init__(self, x): >>> Randomized.__init__(self) >>> self.x = x >>> self.y = 0 >>> self.z = 0 >>> >>> # define y as a random variable taking values from 0 to 9 >>> add_rand("y", list(range(10))) >>> >>> # define z as a random variable taking values from 0 to 4 >>> add_rand("z", list(range(5))) >>> >>> # hard constraint >>> add_constraint(lambda x, y: x !=y) >>> # multi-dimensional distribution >>> add_constraint(lambda y, z: y + z) >>> >>> # create randomized object instance (default values at this point) >>> obj_ = FinalRandomized(5) >>> # randomize object with additional contraint >>> obj_.randomize_with(lambda z : z > 3) As generating constrained random objects may involve a lot of computations, it is recommended to limit random variables domains and use :meth:`pre_randomize()`/:meth:`post_randomize()` methods where possible. """ def __init__(self): # all random variables, map NAME -> DOMAIN self._randVariables = {} # all simple constraints: functions of single random variable and # optional non-random variables # map VARIABLE NAME -> FUNCTION self._simpleConstraints = {} # all implicit constraints: functions that requires to be resolved by a # Solver # map TUPLE OF VARIABLE NAMES -> FUNCTION self._implConstraints = {} # all implicit distributions: functions that involve implicit random # variables and single unconstrained variable # map TUPLE OF VARIABLE NAMES -> FUNCTION self._implDistributions = {} # all simple distributions: functions of unconstrained random variables # and non-random variables # map VARIABLE NAME -> FUNCTION self._simpleDistributions = {} # list of lists containing random variables solving order self._solve_order = []
[docs] def add_rand(self, var, domain=None): """Add a random variable to the solver. All random variables must be defined before adding any constraint with :meth:`add_constraint`. Therefore it is highly recommended to call ``add_rand`` in the ``__init__`` method of your final class. Args: var (str): a variable name corresponding to the class member variable. domain (list, optional): a list of all allowed values of the variable ``var``. By default, a list with values ``0`` to ``65534`` (16 bit unsigned int domain) is used. Examples: >>> add_rand("data", list(range(1024))) >>> add_rand("delay", ["small", "medium", "high"]) """ assert (not (self._simpleConstraints or self._implConstraints or self._implDistributions or self._simpleDistributions) ), \ "All random variables must be defined before adding a constraint." try: getattr(self, var) except: raise Exception("Class member '" + var + "' does not exist.") if not domain: domain = range(65535) # 16 bit unsigned int self._randVariables[var] = domain # add a variable to the map
[docs] def add_constraint(self, cstr): """Add a constraint function to the solver. A constraint may return ``True``/``False`` or a numeric value. Constraint function arguments must be valid class member names (random or not). Arguments must be listed in alphabetical order. Due to calculation complexity, it is recommended to create as few constraints as possible and implement :meth:`pre_randomize()`/:meth:`post_randomize()` methods, or use the :meth:`solve_order()` function. Each constraint is associated with its arguments being random variables,which means for each random variable combination only one constraint of the ``True``/``False`` type and one numeric may be defined. The latter will overwrite the existing one. For example, when class has two random variables ``(x, y)``, six constraint functions may be defined: boolean and numeric constraints of ``x``, ``y`` and a pair ``(x, y)``. Args: cstr (func): a constraint function. Returns: func or None: an overwritten constraint or ``None`` if no overwrite happened. Examples: >>> def highdelay_cstr(delay): >>> return delay == "high" >>> >>> add_constraint(highdelay_cstr) # hard constraint >>> add_constraint(lambda data : data < 128) # hard constraint >>> >>> # distribution (highest probability density at the boundaries): >>> add_constraint(lambda data : abs(64 - data)) >>> >>> # hard constraint of multiple variables (some of them may be >>> # non-random): >>> add_constraint(lambda x,y,z : x + y + z == 0) >>> >>> # soft constraint created by applying low probability density for >>> # some solutions: >>> add_constraint( >>> lambda delay, size : 0.01 if (size < 5 & delay == "medium") else 1 >>> ) >>> # constraint that overwrites the previously defined one >>> # (data < 128) >>> add_constraint(lambda data : data < 256) """ # just add constraint considering all random variables return self._add_constraint(cstr, self._randVariables)
[docs] def solve_order(self, *orderedVars): """Define an order of the constraints resolving. Constraints are being resolved in a given order, which means that randomization is called in separated steps, where at each next step some constraints are already resolved. Number of arguments defines number of the randomization steps. If this funcion is specified multiple times for a given object, only the last one remains valid. Args: *orderedVars (multiple str or list): Variables that are requested to be resolved in an specific order. Example: >>> add_rand("x", list(range(0,10))) >>> add_rand("y", list(range(0,10))) >>> add_rand("z", list(range(0,10))) >>> add_rand("w", list(range(0,10))) >>> add_constraint(lambda x, y : x + y = 9) >>> add_constraint(lambda z : z < 5) >>> add_constraint(lambda w : w > 5) >>> >>> solve_order(["x", "z"], "y") >>> # In a first step, "z", "x" and "w" will be resolved, which means >>> # only the second and third constraint will be applied. In a second >>> # step, the first constraint will be resolved as it was requested >>> # to solve "y" after "x" and "z". "x" will be interpreted as a >>> # constant in this case. """ self._solve_order = [] for selRVars in orderedVars: if type(selRVars) is not list: self._solve_order.append([selRVars]) else: self._solve_order.append(selRVars)
[docs] def del_constraint(self, cstr): """Delete a constraint function. Args: cstr (func): a constraint function. Example: >>> del_constraint(highdelay_cstr) """ self._simpleConstraints = { k : v for k, v in self._simpleConstraints.items() if v != cstr } self._simpleDistributions = { k : v for k, v in self._simpleDistributions.items() if v != cstr } self._implConstraints = { k : v for k, v in self._implConstraints.items() if v != cstr } self._implDistributions = { k : v for k, v in self._implDistributions.items() if v != cstr }
[docs] def pre_randomize(self): """A function that is called before :meth:`randomize`/:meth:`randomize_with`. To be overridden in a final class if used. """ pass
[docs] def post_randomize(self): """A function that is called after :meth:`randomize`/:meth:`randomize_with`. To be overridden in a final class if used. """ pass
[docs] def randomize(self): """Randomize a final class using only predefined constraints.""" self._randomize()
[docs] def randomize_with(self, *constraints): """Randomize a final class using the additional constraints given. Additional constraints may override existing ones. Args: *constraints ((multiple) func): additional constraints to be applied. """ overwritten_constraints = [] # add new constraints for cstr in constraints: overwritten = self.add_constraint(cstr) if overwritten: overwritten_constraints.append(overwritten) raise_exception = False try: self._randomize() except: raise_exception = True # remove new constraints for cstr in constraints: self.del_constraint(cstr) # add back overwritten constraints for cstr in overwritten_constraints: self.add_constraint(cstr) if raise_exception: raise Exception("Could not resolve implicit constraints!")
def _add_constraint(self, cstr, rvars): """Add a constraint for a specific random variables list (which determines a type of a constraint - simple or implicit). """ if isinstance(cstr, constraint.Constraint): # could be a Constraint object... pass else: variables = inspect.signature(cstr).parameters assert (list(variables) == sorted(variables)), \ "Variables of a constraint function must be defined in \ alphabetical order" # determine the function type... rather unpythonic but necessary # for distinction between a constraint and a distribution callargs = [] rand_variables = [] for var in variables: if var in rvars: rand_variables.append(var) callargs.append(random.choice(rvars[var])) else: callargs.append(getattr(self, var)) ret = cstr(*callargs) def _addToMap(_key, _map): overwriting = None if _key in _map: overwriting = _map[_key] _map[_key] = cstr return overwriting #PEP will complain, but it may be np.bool_ type!!!! #if type(ret) is bool: if ((str(ret) == "True") or (str(ret) == "False")): # this is a constraint if (len(rand_variables) == 1): overwriting = _addToMap( rand_variables[0], self._simpleConstraints) else: overwriting = _addToMap( tuple(rand_variables), self._implConstraints) else: # this is a distribution if (len(rand_variables) == 1): overwriting = _addToMap( rand_variables[0], self._simpleDistributions) else: overwriting = _addToMap( tuple(rand_variables), self._implDistributions) return overwriting def _randomize(self): """Call :meth:`_resolve` and :meth:`pre_randomize`/:meth:`post_randomize` functions with respect to defined variables resolving order. """ self.pre_randomize() if not self._solve_order: #call _resolve for all random variables solution = self._resolve(self._randVariables) self._update_variables(solution) else: #list of random variables names remainingRVars = list(self._randVariables.keys()) #list of resolved random variables names resolvedRVars = [] #list of random variables with defined solve order remainingOrderedRVars = [item for sublist in self._solve_order for item in sublist] allConstraints = [] # list of functions (all constraints and dstr) allConstraints.extend([self._implConstraints[_] for _ in self._implConstraints]) allConstraints.extend([self._implDistributions[_] for _ in self._implDistributions]) allConstraints.extend([self._simpleConstraints[_] for _ in self._simpleConstraints]) allConstraints.extend([self._simpleDistributions[_] for _ in self._simpleDistributions]) for selRVars in self._solve_order: #step 1: determine all variables to be solved at this stage actualRVars = list(selRVars) #add selected for rvar in actualRVars: remainingOrderedRVars.remove(rvar) #remove selected remainingRVars.remove(rvar) #remove selected #if implicit constraint requires a variable which is not given #at this stage, it will be resolved later for rvar in remainingRVars: rvar_unused = True for c_vars in self._implConstraints: if rvar in c_vars: rvar_unused = False for d_vars in self._implDistributions: if rvar in d_vars: rvar_unused = False if rvar_unused and not rvar in remainingOrderedRVars: actualRVars.append(rvar) remainingRVars.remove(rvar) # a new map of random variables newRandVariables = {} for var in self._randVariables: if var in actualRVars: newRandVariables[var] = self._randVariables[var] #step 2: select only valid constraints at this stage #delete all constraints and add back but considering only #limited list of random vars actualCstr = [] for f_cstr in allConstraints: self.del_constraint(f_cstr) f_cstr_args = inspect.signature(f_cstr).parameters #add only constraints containing actualRVars but not #remainingRVars add_cstr = True for var in f_cstr_args: if (var in self._randVariables and not var in resolvedRVars and (not var in actualRVars or var in remainingRVars) ): add_cstr = False if add_cstr: self._add_constraint(f_cstr, newRandVariables) actualCstr.append(f_cstr) #call _resolve for all random variables solution = self._resolve(newRandVariables) self._update_variables(solution) resolvedRVars.extend(actualRVars) #add back everything as it was before this stage for f_cstr in actualCstr: self.del_constraint(f_cstr) for f_cstr in allConstraints: self._add_constraint(f_cstr, self._randVariables) self.post_randomize() def _resolve(self, randomVariables): """Resolve constraints for given random variables.""" # we need a copy, as we will be updating domains randVariables = dict(randomVariables) # step 1: determine search space by applying simple constraints to the # random variables for rvar in randVariables: domain = randVariables[rvar] new_domain = [] if rvar in self._simpleConstraints: # a simple constraint function to be applied f_cstr = self._simpleConstraints[rvar] # check if we have non-random vars in cstr... # arguments of the constraint function f_c_args = inspect.signature(f_cstr).parameters for ii in domain: f_cstr_callvals = [] for f_c_arg in f_c_args: if (f_c_arg == rvar): f_cstr_callvals.append(ii) else: f_cstr_callvals.append(getattr(self, f_c_arg)) # call simple constraint for each domain element if f_cstr(*f_cstr_callvals): new_domain.append(ii) # update the domain with the constrained one randVariables[rvar] = new_domain # step 2: resolve implicit constraints using external solver # external hard constraint solver - package python-constraint problem = constraint.Problem() constrainedVars = [] # all random variables for the solver for rvars in self._implConstraints: # add all random variables for rvar in rvars: if not rvar in constrainedVars: problem.addVariable(rvar, randVariables[rvar]) constrainedVars.append(rvar) # add constraint problem.addConstraint(self._implConstraints[rvars], rvars) # solve problem solutions = problem.getSolutions() if (len(solutions) == 0) & (len(constrainedVars) > 0): raise Exception("Could not resolve implicit constraints!") # step 3: calculate implicit distributions for all random variables # except simple distributions # all variables that have defined distribution functions distrVars = [] # solutions with applied distribution weights - list of maps VARIABLE # -> VALUE dsolutions = [] # add all variables that have defined distribution functions for dvars in self._implDistributions: # add all variables that have defined distribution functions for dvar in dvars: if dvar not in distrVars: distrVars.append(dvar) # all variables that have defined distributions but unconstrained ducVars = [var for var in distrVars if var not in constrainedVars] # list of domains of random unconstrained variables ducDomains = [randVariables[var] for var in ducVars] # Cartesian product of above ducSolutions = list(itertools.product(*ducDomains)) # merge solutions: constrained ones and all possible distribution # values for sol in solutions: for ducsol in ducSolutions: dsol = dict(sol) jj = 0 for var in ducVars: dsol[var] = ducsol[jj] jj += 1 dsolutions.append(dsol) dsolution_weights = [] dsolutions_reduced = [] for dsol in dsolutions: # take each solution weight = 1.0 # for all defined implicit distributions for dstr in self._implDistributions: f_idstr = self._implDistributions[dstr] f_id_args = inspect.signature(f_idstr).parameters # all variables in solution we need to calculate weight f_id_callvals = [] for f_id_arg in f_id_args: # for each variable name if f_id_arg in dsol: # if exists in solution f_id_callvals.append(dsol[f_id_arg]) else: # get as non-random variable f_id_callvals.append(getattr(self, f_id_arg)) # update weight of the solution - call distribution function weight = weight * f_idstr(*f_id_callvals) # do the same for simple distributions for dstr in self._simpleDistributions: # but only if variable is already in the solution # if it is not, it will be calculated in step 4 if dstr in sol: f_sdstr = self._simpleDistributions[dstr] f_sd_args = inspect.signature(f_sdstr).parameters # all variables in solution we need to calculate weight f_sd_callvals = [] for f_sd_arg in f_sd_args: # for each variable name if f_sd_arg in dsol: # if exists in solution f_sd_callvals.append(dsol[f_sd_arg]) else: # get as non-random variable f_sd_callvals.append(getattr(self, f_sd_arg)) # update weight of the solution - call distribution # function weight = weight * f_sdstr(*f_sd_callvals) if (weight > 0.0): dsolution_weights.append(weight) # remove solutions with weight = 0 dsolutions_reduced.append(dsol) solution_choice = self._weighted_choice( dsolutions_reduced, dsolution_weights) solution = solution_choice if solution_choice is not None else {} # step 4: calculate simple distributions for remaining random variables for dvar in randVariables: if not dvar in solution: # must be yet unresolved variable domain = randVariables[dvar] weights = [] if dvar in self._simpleDistributions: # a simple distribution to be applied f_dstr = self._simpleDistributions[dvar] # check if we have non-random vars in dstr... f_d_args = inspect.signature(f_dstr).parameters # list of lists of values for function call f_d_callvals = [] for i in domain: f_d_callval = [] for f_d_arg in f_d_args: if (f_d_arg == dvar): f_d_callval.append(i) else: f_d_callval.append(getattr(self, f_d_arg)) f_d_callvals.append(f_d_callval) # call distribution function for each domain element to get # the weight weights = [f_dstr(*f_d_callvals_i) for f_d_callvals_i in f_d_callvals] new_solution = self._weighted_choice(domain, weights) if new_solution is not None: # append chosen value to the solution solution[dvar] = new_solution else: # random variable has no defined distribution function - # call simple random.choice if (len(domain) == 0): raise Exception("Could not resolve constraints!") solution[dvar] = random.choice(domain) return solution def _weighted_choice(self, solutions, weights): """Get a solution from the list with defined weights.""" result = None non_zero_weights = [x for x in weights if x > 0] if non_zero_weights: try: if len(solutions) != 0: import numpy # pick weighted random weights_norm = [_/sum(weights) for _ in weights] result = numpy.random.choice(solutions, p=weights_norm) except ImportError: # if numpy not available min_weight = min(non_zero_weights) weighted_solutions = [] for x in range(len(solutions)): # insert each solution to the list multiple times weighted_solutions.extend( [solutions[x] for _ in range( int(weights[x] * (1.0 / min_weight))) ]) result = random.choice(weighted_solutions) return result def _update_variables(self, solution): """Update members of the final class after randomization.""" # update class members for var in self._randVariables: if var in solution: setattr(self, var, solution[var]) #deprecated
[docs] def addRand(self, var, domain=None): """.. deprecated:: 1.0""" warnings.warn( "Function addRand() is deprecated, use add_rand() instead" ) self.add_rand(var, domain)
[docs] def solveOrder(self, *orderedVars): """.. deprecated:: 1.0""" warnings.warn( "Function solveOrder() is deprecated, use solve_order() instead" ) self.solve_order(*orderedVars)
[docs] def addConstraint(self, cstr): """.. deprecated:: 1.0""" warnings.warn( "Function addConstraint() is deprecated, use add_constraint() instead" ) self.add_constraint(cstr)
[docs] def delConstraint(self, cstr): """.. deprecated:: 1.0""" warnings.warn( "Function delConstraint() is deprecated, use del_constraint() instead" ) self.del_constraint(cstr)